About Us

A quick glance at the work we do


FEEHD’s Board of Directors were born in the small Christian village of Chak 136 in the Punjab Province of Pakistan. Now spread across the US and the world, they are gathering their resources and passion to help the current residents of the same village. FEEHD’s mission is to help the people of Chak 136 to discover God’s purpose for their lives.

ROUTINE CARE & A monthly visit by a local, trained physician

Our daily staff includes two nurses, an ER technician, a medical assistant, and a pharmacist who provide routine care to patients and address less severe emergency situations. A physician visits once each month to manage serious or chronic illnesses and provides hospital referrals.


One of the two on-site nurses is a trained midwife, caring for pregnant patients from conception to post-partum.


Through donations, we provide medicines one can find in any US pharmacy to the local patients who otherwise have no or very limited access to such treatments. Children receive daily multivitamins. If a prescription is required, the physician provides it and patients have to purchase the medicine on their own.

Healthcare Education

Our staff take every opportunity to educate patients regarding healthy lifestyle choices, how to care for their conditions, and how to care for their family members. The staff medical assistant is part of an on-the-job training program for local residents who are interested in pursuing a career in healthcare.


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President: Mr. Irfan Timothy
